Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well Delphi takes the cake. Definatley my favoraite place in Greece.
The air smells of spring, all sweet with fruit blossoms and spring
flowers. And the people are actually nice! Not at all like Athens.

I spent the day wandering through the ruins here with a sweet couple
from the Netherlands and their adorable little baby girl.

Then after a short lunch I went wandering. There are hiking paths into
the mountains. I decided to wander up one to see if I could find the
Cortcion Cave. It looked close on the map. I forgot water and regreted
that within five minutes of my hike.

As I was going around a bend I was startend by what sounded like a
hiss just to the right of my head. I jumped with a start and when I
looked, it was a turtle. Ha, we scared the piss out of eachother. I
took a quick picture and watched him for a minute. When we startled
eachother he had slid down the little hill he was climbing. He seemed
to still be able to climb from where he slid so I left him alone.

I reminded myself to watch more closely for wildlife. And not two
minute later I almost stepped on another turtle. This one was stuck on
it's back. I found a stick and helped him roll over. He poked his
head out after a few seconds. Took a picture and told him to be more
careful then continued on my way.

I was starteled again by a little snake the resmbled Kali and
Mohinder. I will hve to look on the Internet to see what sorts of
snakes live here.

Later I saw another turtle meandering through the flowers.

The veiws from the trail where breathtaking. I snapped a few pictures
of the ruins from above and of the mountain scapes.

I told myself I could hike upwards as late as 4:00 but ended up
turning around at 3:50. I had a bus to catch a six.

I got back to town with very sore feet, a killer thirst and enough
time to send a few emails and eat.

At the cafe where the bus station is the boy running the bar assured
me a pizza would be ready in time to take with me. It was but the
service in Greece being the way it is trying to get my bill and a box
before the bus came and went was challanging.

Then as the poor kid is running out with my bag this disgusting wale
of a man, who was too lazy to sell me a ticket for the bus eairlier
and told me just to do it later, shouts at us to "hurry up, move your
ass." spittel spraying from his mouth as he spoke. I glared at him
with a disgusted face and wondered how fast his bluber ass would move
and what a sickning picture it would be in his too-tight dirty grey
tshirt that exposed part of his belly. He must be from Athens.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Greece- Athens and Santorini

I had to rushboff on Todd when he dropped me off. I almost paniced
when I realized he was just dropping me at departers. My auntie went
in with me. I had to give him a speed hug good bye so I wouldn't cry.

I am apartently too special for self checkin, so at the counter I
conceded my fear to the lady behind the counter. She asured me that I
would be just fine and then gapped, "you knpw you are alowed two bags"
when she saw the stupendes size of my pack pack wrapped in it's
airport duffle cover. I reminds her that I was backpaking and had to
carry it all around with me. Then felt even stupider. The thing is
huge. What the helll am I thinking. Can just go home?wait I don't have
one yet.

Oh, I must mention that I got a snicker from an overly tattoed
security person going through security when he saw my miniture pink
laptop. Yes, it does look just like a toy Barbie computer.

The flight to Montreal was uneventful. I had a quick bowl of soup and
a glass of wine then boarded my plane for Frankfurt.

I so lucked out on the Frankfurt flight! I got a nice quiet window
seat in the back of the plane. No wing in my way. I watche the other
passengers file in and tried not to get my hopes up, but I was lucky,
three seats to myself! I was so very comfy. Minus the creepy guy
staring at my chest two isels over.

The flight was quick enough. Only 16hrs, a lot better than the gruling
flights to South America. I hardly had time to doddel between flights.
In Frankfurd I had just enough time to run the rat maze between
arrivels and departers, buzz back and forth for a bank machine and a
bottle of water (a 3.5€ bottle of water OMG) and get back to my gate.

In the few minutes I had to wait in lime at gate 18 in Frankfurt I
took some time to study the other passengers. I noticed a few couples
that gave me twang in the chest. This would be so much more fun with
my boyfriend or a friend. This is going to be hard to do alone.

I also noticed a man about my age with a stuffed backpack and a red
Philly's baseball cap. He looked like a lonely traveler too. I smiled
and nodded and he did so in return.

Arriving in Athens was a little scary. I hummed and hawed about
weather to spend the money on a taxi or brave the public transit
system. After getting my enourmous bag and rigging myself into a
backpack mummy I darted towards information. I thought I heard a
telivision conversation behind the office door. After a few minutes I
realized it was the animated voices of two Greek men. After they
noticed me behind the backpack mosaic one of them came to help. I
showed him the addres to Zorbas hotel, the hostel that I booked a
month before, on my phone and he pulled out a map of Athens and
processed to doodle the steps to my next adventure all over it.

So public transit it is, can't be that tough...

Turns out info guy was wrong, should. Have taken the X95, not the X92.
I asked a lady about my age if she spoke engilsh and if she could help
and she was awesome. She took me right to the metro and gave me a
crash course on transit in Athens, which I have since passed on to
other traveler.

I found zorbas and was taken to my room, it was a dump but it was
home. I pretty much showered and crashed after that.


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