Tuesday, November 4, 2008


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> My last day at the orphanage was hard. I was greatful to be the only
> volunteer there, Michelle had left the day before and Jillan the the
> week before, so as I could just allow myself to be sad and happy
> without explaining my feelings. I cried a few times but the babies
> were good at keeping me busy enoght that I couldn't spend too much
> time being sad.
> Just like every other day. I went to school until 1:30, had lunch
> and got to the orphanage a little before 3:00. There was a new baby
> there. I was told he has a brother downstairs where the toddlers
> are. He woke up first, then Hugo and Claudio. Their bottles came and
> I fed about six of the nine babies, the nurses fed the others. Then
> I was just keeping them entertained and taking turns holding each of
> them. Claudio was extra sweet and happy. Full of little laughs and
> smiles and as always, everything was making Hugo laugh. For kids
> that have so little they are very happy, even the older ones.
> Riannon, a girl from the Notre Dame group met me at the orphanage
> just before I left. She plans to volunteer there starting next week,
> so I introduced her, as best I could with my limited Spanish skills,
> to the ladies I work with.
> Alan, my little favorite, was in the room with the bigger kids that
> day. I asked to see him before I left. I got teary straight away. If
> I was in a possision to adopt I would seriously look into adopting
> him.
> Sent from my iPhone

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