orphanage in Chile, or if it is a brand new one. Either way, it sucks.
I couldn't breath through my nose hardly at all yesterday. My guide,
Juan, and his friend, Carlos, took me to the 'Farmacia' to get three,
very large and hard to swallow, tablets called Nastizol. They sort of
worked for about an hour or so. Juan and Carlos dropped me off at home
and I went staight to bed. It was only 5:00!
I woke up a couple of hours later and my left eardrum felt like it
might explode! I had to be brave and go to the Farmacia alone. It
didn't take long to comunicate that I felt like a bag of dirt and my
eardrum felt like it might explode. They gave me two sets of two pills
and using carefull handsignals and small words told me to take one of
each no and one of each in the morning. At least I hope that is what
they meant, because that is what I did.
I went to the resurant that has wifi, took my pills, drank some coco
menth tea and had a suprisingly big supper. Then went home and slept
until noon.
My guide called around 8:00 am to see how I was and I guess I didn't
sound so good. He told me to rest and that he would call the school to
tell them I was sick and would not be in.
I hope that these pills work. I don't really know what they are and I
am not sure I want to take more. Ha ha. Weee Soulth America.
Sent from my iPhone
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